Sunday, January 27, 2008

February Goals

1) Squat 315x5
2) Bench 215x5
3) Deadlift 365x5
4) 8 Chins

Body Composition
1) Bodyfat down to 17% (Current: 19%)

In order to reach these goals, there are some things I have to do:

1) Improve conditioning by incorporating minimum 3 sessions of metabolic system training (Sandbags, steady state, and interval training - one session of each at a minimum)
2) Don’t miss training sessions
3) Eat 250g protein a day
4) Cut alcohol consumption to 4 days/week max (1 martini or 2 beers/glasses of wine) or cumulative (total 4 martinis a week, 8 beers/glasses of wine)
5) Incorporate flexibility training – after all training sessions
6) Stay on current lifting routine

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