Sunday, February 24, 2008

February stands for Failure

No excuses. February was simply a month like 2007. Everything I did wrong in 2007, I did wrong in February. Not one goal achieved. Because I didn't want it bad enough.

I can lay the blame on my job, on fighting off being sick, on my IT band... but it comes down to wanting it.

March will be the month that sets me back off in the right direction. I have already done what I need to do to ensure work doesn't interfere. The plan is in place, I just need to execute.

Coming in March:
The Texas Method - I think my day to day progress is halting, I was getting to the point where I wasn't looking forward to training, and I'm at a strength level (at least according to Practical Programming) that it's time to go to weekly programming, at least for the squat.

Met/con - This was on tap for February, and I just didn't do it. Sandbags once a week, steady state and interval training. One of the reasons my training got off track is that the strength is there, but I'm terribly out of shape.

P/rehab- I'm incorporating some basic mobility and joint specific stuff to improve some areas I think I may have issues - knees, ankles, hips, low back.

Bicycle - I'm buying a bike this month. Nothing says 'fit' like riding a bike around town instead of driving.

Diet - Precision Nutrition gets implemented.

Drinking - Stops at home. Limited to social settings. That should cut about 1000 calories a week (maybe more)

New goals for March coming shortly.

This is where I have to get it done, or I need to decide to go another direction.

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